Monday, April 22, 2013

The Wild Queen

This book was a little different from the other books I've read in the past, because it is historical fiction. It follows the life of Mary, Queen of Scotland (circa 1530). Here is the cover art:

I bought this last summer, based purely off of the cover, and subsequently wasn't interesting in actually reading it until last week. I finally ran out of other books to read and thought I would give it a go!

Here is the summary:

Mary Stuart was just five years old when she was sent to France to be raised alongside her future husband. But when the frail young king dies, eighteen-year-old Mary is stripped of her title as Queen of France and set adrift in the harsh world, alone. Determined to reign over what is rightfully hers, Mary returns to Scotland. Hoping that a husband will help her secure the coveted English throne, she marries again, but the love and security she longs for elude her. Instead, the fiery young queen finds
herself embroiled in a murder scandal that could cost her the crown. And her attempts to bargain with her formidable “sister queen,” Elizabeth I of England, could cost her her very life.

So, as I mentioned earlier, this book is a far cry from my usual fantasy/fairy tale/mystery genre, but I found that once I gave it a chance, I quite enjoyed it! It is written from Mary's point of view, so you get to live the sumptuous life of a queen vicariously through her, which is always nice :)

Another thing I liked about this book was its basis in fact. It is cool to know a little somethin' somethin' about Scotland's history!

*Fun fact* Every single British monarch is descended from Queen Mary.

I will say one thing though, the ending was quite...disappointing? Depressing? If you are familiar with Queen Mary's demise, you will understand what I mean. It is definitely bitter sweet.

Despite that fact, I would highly recommend giving this book a chance! If historical fiction is you thing, then be sure to check out Carolyn Meyer's other books, because she has quite a few on similar topics.

On that note, I shall bid you adieux!


1 comment:

  1. I must add this book to my list as well :) And by the way, I finished Brisngr! It was a pretty epic ending, let me tell you that! Now I need to reread Reckless, read Fearless, and then its onto Strands of Bronze and Gold before I start Inheritance over the summer. (Unfortunately it must be a summer project because I have so much work pied up...I feel like I'm studying for my OWLS!)

    Anyway, au revoir, my dear!
